$ 0 0 webquest Datos de la Webquest The nature of language and linguistics talk about The nature of human languageThe nature of grammarLinguistics and the components of languageOrganization of the bookNombre y Apellidos del Autor: Karol Bibiana Cañas ToroIdioma: EspañolNivel Educativo: Grado UniversitarioArea de Conocimiento: Inglés Introducción Introducción: Conocer la Naturaleza del lenguaje es fundamental en nuestra vida profesional, ya que como futuros docentes es necesario tener pleno conocimiento del idioma desde sus inicios. Tarea The language makes the human being is different and superior to other living beings in the world. The language is rule governed, creative, universal, innate, and learned. The language has many functions: to get others to do things, to express emotions or feelings, to make promises, to ask questions, etc. In the language there are significant differences between oral sounds and written symbols, also between spoken and written syntax or vocabulary. We believe that there is a connection between a word and the thing it represents. We think of language in terms of its various functions:Language gives expression to our thoughtsLanguage is used to trasmit information, also known as its "communicative function"Language is used to maintain social intercourse Language provides the raw material for works of literatureLinguistic signsThey are defined as things that stand for or represent something else.Ironic: Which resemble the things they representIndexical: Which point to or have a necessary connetion with the things they representSymbolic: Which are only conventionally related to the thing they represent The rule-governed nature of languageThe rules of language act as a kind of constraint on what is possible in a language Language Universals, innateness and creativityLanguage Universals is the more general set of constraints on language. The shared elements of language are referred to as their principles, while the differences that are displayed in their syntax are known as their parameters. But not all languages express this language universal in the same way. In the universal grammar, the principles and parameters explain the features that all language share and the syntactic differences which make each language unique. Animal communication codesThe animals have codes of communication, that communication is indexical and stimulus bound, depending on the necessary presence of concrete stimuli. Animal communication codes are iconics and natural, but they are not symbolic. The codes are acquired exclusively through genetic transmission, not learned. While, human language is both, innate and learned.Language is what distinguishes human beings from other animals The nature of grammar Proceso The human language is innate, we are born with an inborn capacity for language acquisition and are genetically equipped to learn a language, the human language in general. With this genetic predisposition the children learn their first language during a crucial period of language acquisition (0 to 4 years old). Children must be exposed to a language in order to acquire it, so language is in part learned as well as innate The human beings can produce and understand novel sentences and sometimes even new words. And we can create sentences of infinite length, although there are obviusly practical limits on length. Evaluación oyu9osdu9ouj9psduifvojslodu8o Conclusión hjñdoslnsldhoijsodf