What did we learn ?
With one sentence sums up the them
This WebQues is a tool to achieve significant learning , is intended for International Baccalaureate students as part of their education.
Nombre y Apellidos del Autor:
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Area de Conocimiento:
Línea de tiempo |
10 | 1. Use the links proposed as sources of reading2. Use the suggested timeline develop link3. Stresses with a color the activities of the NOMADS4. Write the years and / or time in centuries,5. Add the detail activities6. Use another color to highlight the activities of the farmers peoples,7. Briefly describe each activity Agroalfareros8. Use graphics and videos important to highlight the topic9. Use a third color to highlight the activities of the sedentary peoples from the domestication of plants and animals.10. Presents the work on time |
Collage |
10 | 1. Use a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Altavista, MyWebSearch2. Download images and files in a folder3. use the link to the task4. Write and specifies the theme: ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS OF FIRST SETTLERS OF AMERICA,5. Describe the five cultural events |
Descripción |
10 | 1. Determine the characteristics of use of "natural resources".2. conceptualizes "care of mother earth"3. Stresses the importance of each and compare4. Establishes relationships between natural resources and care of mother earth5. assertively argues that gender relationship between the use of natural resources to care for Mother Earth Native Americans who developed people. |
Mapa |
10 | 1. Find the blank map of America2. Determine the Regions of America: North, Central and West Indies and South.3. Locate the most important towns and / or pre-Columbian civilizations period4. Titrate each civilization5. Prints data set and format |
TOTAL | 40 |
Dear Student :
This WebQuest helps us to know the Prehistory of America. We develop a dynamic work with prescribed topics: Origin of the American man , Nomadic People , hunters and gatherers. Sedentarisation and domestication of plants and animals.
1. Make a time line and locates the following:
- Activities of nomads
- Activities of the peoples farmers
- Activities of sedentary peoples from the domestication of plants and animals.
2. Develop a collage with the title : ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS OF FIRST SETTLERS OF AMERICA.
3. Description the relationship that is created between the use of natural resources to the care of mother earth that people were Native Americans .
4. On a Map of America located towns and / or civilizations highlights
1. For the development of a time line, you must take into account the following links as sources of reading:• http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/09/0903_030903_bajaskull.html• http://www.livescience.com/4398-american-settlers-thought.htmlThe time line should:· To be created in the following link: http://www.dipity.com· To highlight the activities of the nomads, use a color, type year and / or time in centuries, adds detail activities· Use a different color to highlight the activities of the AGROALFAREROS peoples, briefly describe them the same way.· It is important to use graphics and videos you create important· Also use another color to highlight the activities of the sedentary peoples from the domestication of plants and animals.2. Use a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, Altavista, MyWebSearch and download images for the collage using the following link: http://www.picisto.com. The theme is: ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS OF FIRST SETTLERS OF AMERICA, describes these cultural events (5)
Augusta Merino Hernàndez