Part 4: What I can do to give something back to my specialty
Well, a contribution of my specialty to others peoples is working for them, how? Well a way of this is to do web pages for companies or peoples that disclosed products or any work.
Other way is to do any software for a company or person; this software would be to the taste of the person and in the software can include databases, an example is a software of inventory control, a registry of products or a software for learn any assignment difficult and this software help to students for that more easy learn those assignment.
Also we can create applications in the mobile’s and of the similarly than the ways previous, we can create an application that can serve for some company or a some person, maybe create an application for the school, an application where the students can see the schedules, can see the tutorials and the teachers, a map of the school, coffee shop food or an application where can learn some assignment of a way very easy.
Well exist a lot of things than my specialty can contribute to others, this are just little bit of that. This specialty is so beautiful because you can create a lot of new things :3
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