Human language is a system of sensible sign by which we transmit messages of a spiritual nature. Its elements, terms of relationship and show that flow properties of a being that is unity of body and soul. The origin of the ability to create language-body lies in the spiritual nature of man and of particular languages may come from onomatopoeia and conventionalism. Three main functions of language to describe, communicate and disclose interiority existence, being, personality to oneself and to others.
In general, therefore, we can say that in the field of teaching and learning second languages, the term grammar is used to refer to the didactic treatment of issues of morphology and syntax, as opposed to the treatment of vocabulary and pronunciation, and contrasting the treatment of all these aspects the didactic treatment of the use of language in conversation activities carried out and the different skills
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morphology, are used to record and analyze samples spontaneous language (conversation, narration and description), and various tests and tests that exist for this purpose
Evaluation of the syntax: for this evaluation can be used tests that are already standard in some language test and the analysis of verbal productions of himself, trying to be diverse and include conversation and explanation with image support, which usually causes description and narrative without visual support.
Evaluation of the semantics: this evaluation suggests observing those aspects of the lexicon (receptive and expressive vocabulary and basic concepts of concrete and abstract words, called categories), definitions, synonyms, opposites, derivatives, metaphors and understanding of long messages and complex.
Evaluation of communication: be observed aspects of communicative intention, initiative and communication effectiveness (simple and complex events) codes used chance to chat, use of narrative and discourse, communication skills repertoire (comments, questions argues, etc.), and different communicative functions (instrumental, regulatory, interactional, personal, heuristic, imaginative and representative)
Language is the fundamental reason that man creates culture while animals do not. The language should be recognized as more than just a means of communication between humans, it is one of the issues that distinguishes humans from animals because it is a purely human behavior that is not even in the animal's evolved.
With the above it follows that the language is the most complex type of intentional communication. A language systematically related symbols (sounds, letters and symbols) with meaning, and establishes rules for combining and recombining the symbols to provide various types of information.
As you delve into the study of language, we note that this issue has multiple relationships with other fields of psychological processes in both language processes involved in cognition, memory, attention, perception, thinking, among others, and with other branches of namely, such as education, because it has always been used instructional methods based on the linguistic component. Observe how the language is the most tangible indication of our thinking power and as we will see, language is involved in many physiological processes that man possesses.
To reach a better understanding of the nature of language and linguistics will make a concept map which we will be very helpful in reaching a better understanding of the topic.
Right now the conceptual map is empty but when we finish the class is ready to be used
The goal will be to collect the information needed to complete this concept map.
The information has to be collected in the conceptual map is on the following questions.
1 What do you understand by signs and symbols?
2 What is linguistic communication?
3 How is it carried out the communicative circuit?
4 What role does the language in communicative acts?
5 What is the difference to the language of language and speech?
6 What visual, auditory, tactile signs exist in your language?
7 What types of language varieties found in our contexts?
8 What are the linguistic components?