I will assess the process of each students based on the development of the contents of this Unit but I am also going to take into account the progress of each student, giving some tutorials if the topic is not understood completely and the qualification that student gives about his/her work according with a “rubrica de evaluación”, in which they can see where they do not work.
Participation: 25%
Development of Unit: 5%
Quality of the work: 40%
Autoevaluation: 10%
Punctuality of the work: 10%
Work group: 10%
To finish I hope that this implementation serves for the progress of your learning and that you use this tool for achieving a good work in groups, peers or individually in order that knowledge that you learn in this technological space can be useful for your life and becoming them in practical and meaningful learning into or outside of classroom.
Besides, you can practice with your friends the use of present simple in its three forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
This webquests is designed for the development of the classes to students of grade 8º of the school: Asunción Silva, in this place I am doing practicas and based on the knowledge that I learnt in the course of SENA: "Asesoria para el uso de las TICS en la formación", I want to implement these ideas into and outside of the classroom with the aim of improving his/her process of learning and of course of English teaching.
For the building of this webquests I use some tools, book and articles:
- Cunningham Sarah, Mor Peter. (2005). New Cutting Edge: elementary. Pearson.
- Newbrook Jacky, Wilson Judith, Acklam Richard. (2008). FCE:Gold Plus. Pearson.
- Siko L. Kari. (2008). Webquests in the English classroom: how do they affect student learning?. Chapel Hill.
- Unit 4 ""Mass media, redes sociales, Web 2.0: herramientas tecnologicas para aplicar los procesos enseñanza- aprendizaje del mundo actual".
The WEBQUESTS are a recourse ICT developed in 1995 by teachers of educative technology Bernie Dodge and Tom March, they described it as: activities to find and know data or proposals for some teachers in order to students obtain knowledge through the use and implementation of Internet in classroom.
This idea allows that students use the time of enrishing way becuase it permits that students use the data of these spaces and learn, furthermore they will work on the levels of analysis, interpretation and evaluation. (taken data of Unit 4: "Mass media, redes sociales, Web 2.0: herramientas tecnologicas para aplicar los procesos enseñanza- aprendizaje del mundo actual".)
Webquests is defined as: a tecnological application allows that students follow a specific set of steps thoward the development of a final project or activity that can be specific subject or multi-disciplinary subject (Dodge, 1997; 1998; 2005; 2006). It caught my attention because it permits to work on whatever topic or subject through the use of other tools nor only only and to do of learning and teaching a mean to transmit culture, to learn of crative way and to learn to work in groups, peers or individual.
It was designed with the objective of informing to students about the correct use of: Simple Present and it can answer some questions that sometimes surge in student´s thought in the classroom and that they sometimes do not feel very good if they communicate their questions in front of others and it allows that student starts his/her learning through the use of videos, articles, tales, etc.
Students of 8º grade with ages from 12 to 15 years old that study in the school: Asunción Silva.
For the work of this technological space the students can require 1/2 hour or less depends on the progress of each one, first we will work this unit composes of three aspects: affirmative, negative and interrogative form of different sentences in Simple Present and then I identify or collect data about the results that this unit had in his first attempt and based on these results that I am going to obtain I will do the next unit.
Rúbrica de evaluación
In this “rúbrica de evaluación” you will find the criteria of evaluation that you will use to assess the tasks that you are going to do in this Web Quests.
| Correct 0-50% | Good 51-89% | Excellent 90-100% |
KNOWLEDGE OF TOPIC. | I know only a little of the topic explained and taught. (Simple Present). | I know much about the topic about Simple Present and I know to identify in that moments I can use this verbal tense.
| I know much more the topic: Simple Present and I know very well how to use it because I already can form and say some sentences well- designed to my others friends, using all kinds of verbs. |
SEARCH OF INFORMATION. | I need more efforts but you can find and understand the information and develop the exercises given. | I have found information required but for me was difficult to understand and identify Simple Present in some whatever text.
| I have found easily information that the teacher asks for and I have been skillful to discover the most important or the most interesting of the text.
COOPERATION. | I participate with my ideas very little.
| I participate with my ideas and I have done observations about the topic that have been appropriate.
| I have participated with my ideas, observations and suggestions very interesting for the topic.
INDIVIDUAL RESPONSABILITY. | I have done my part of individual work and I have explained to my friends the topic to develop.
| I have done part of individual work, explained to friends and I have done suggestions and have accepted the ones of my friends. | I have done the work with my friends and have defended my view points. I have accepted the suggestions and base don these ideas my group and me have worked together toward the development of an excellent work.
INTERACTION. | We have achieved to form a group of work but not work as a group.
| We have accepted the suggestions of the others and have improved our work but we sometimes have some problems of communication. | We work in group, listen to us and accept us the critiques of all of the members of this and we can be able of adapt us to a new situation.