This work served us to place in practice the knowledge obtained in English classes
Yaneth Arboleda
carmen sanchez
24 Noviembre 2014
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According to all the above, it is clear that there must be an equality between funding sources (source of money) and the correlative application. Thereby We can formulate the fundamental equality of heritage:
The property
consists of a set of assets, rights and obligations pertaining to a company, and which constitute the economic and financial means through which it can achieve its aims.
Among the goods, we can quote buildings, solar, machinery, furniture, etc. Among the rights may include claims against third parties that the company has to his favor.
Among the obligations has to face the company, we note the debt das suppliers, loans to banks, etc. -
A Difference between the assets and rights, on the one hand and obligations of other, the called net assets or net worth.
The assets are the different items or items that are integrated into the equity of an entity (money box existing buildings owned by the company, receivables on clients, debts to suppliers, etc.)
-A Group of homogeneous assets leads to mass cul- monial. One can see that equity components can have different signs. On the one hand, assets and rights constitute the active, and another, the obligations Liabilities are.
- The net worth, is made up of the assets referred to owners of the company (contributed capital, retained earnings, among other). It also calls this no liabilities Assets so.
- When total mass of liability (own and others) are called sources of financial tion, and configure the financial structure of heritage. Similarly Mane- ra, the total equity components of the asset are called applications, and con- include economic equity structure.
Yaneth Isabel Arboleda Barrio
The active (A) equals the passive (P) plus net (N)